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Short info:

I am a researcher with the Flowers' team at INRIA.
I am interested in understand artificial and natural learning. Understanding learning gives amazing insights into the human nature and will allow to develop technologies to improve our well-being. To this end I develop models of learning in animals and develop new learning methodologies for machines. I am interested in applications on human-robot collaboration, joint work with machines and educational technologies.


  • New software available Kidlearn Multi-armed bandits for Intelligent Tutoring Systems
  • PhD/Post-doc/Eng positions available.
  • Ongoing Project Semi-Autonomous 3rd Hand, EU FP7, a project on human-robot collaboration.


Manuel Lopes
INRIA Bordeaux Sud-Ouest

200 Avenue de la Vieille Tour
33405 Talence Cedex, France
manuel . lopes @ inria . fr
Phone: +33524574179
Youtube channel

Administrative assistant:
Nicolas Jahier


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