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JournalsIntrinsically motivated oculomotor exploration guided by uncertainty reduction and conditioned reinforcement in non-human primates, . Nature Scientific Reports, 6:20202, 2016. (web, pdf) Multi-Armed Bandits for Intelligent Tutoring Systems, . Journal of Educational Data Mining (JEDM), Vol 7, No 2, 2015. (pdf) Exploiting task constraints for self-calibrated brain-machine interface control using error-related potentials, . PLOS One, 2015. (web, pdf) Active Learning for Autonomous Intelligent Agents: Exploration, Curiosity, and Interaction, . arXiv:1403.1497 [cs.AI], 2014. (pdf) Information-seeking, curiosity, and attention: computational and neural mechanisms, . Trends in Cognitive Sciences , 2013. (web, pdf) Active learning of visual descriptors for grasping using non-parametric smoothed beta distributions, . Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 60(3), 452-462, 2012.(pdf) The iCub humanoid robot: An open-systems platform for research in cognitive development, . Neural Networks, 2010. (pdf) Active Learning and Intrinsically Motivated Exploration in Robots: Advances and Challenges (Guest Editorial), . IEEE Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development, 2(2), June, 2010. (pdf) A Computational Model of Social-Learning Mechanisms, . Adaptive Behaviour, 467(17), 2009. (pdf) Learning Object Affordances: From Sensory Motor Maps to Imitation, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 24(1), 2008. (pdf) A Developmental Roadmap for Learning by Imitation in Robots, . IEEE Transactions in Systems Man and Cybernetic - Part B: Cybernetics, 37(2), 2007. (DOI:10.1109/TSMCB.2006.886949, web, pdf) Visual Learning by Imitation with Motor Representations, . IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics - Part B: Cybernetics, 35, 2005. (pdf)
Book ChaptersMulti-class Generalized Binary Search for Active Inverse Reinforcement Learning, . arXiv:1301.5488 [cs.LG], 2013. (pdf) Abstraction Levels for Robotic Imitation:
Overview and Computational Approaches, . in Olivier Sigaud & Jan
Peters editors, From motor to interaction learning in robots, Studies
in Computational Intelligence, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, Volume
264, pp. 313 -- 355, 2010. (pdf) ConferencesRelational Activity Processes for Modeling Concurrent Cooperation, . IEEE - International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Stockholm, Sweden, 2016. (pdf) A Comparison of Automatic Teaching Strategies for Heterogeneous Student Populations, . Educational Data Mining (EDM) Raleigh, NC, USA, 2016. (pdf) Inverse Reinforcement Learning in Relational Domains, . International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI'15), Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2015. (pdf) Facilitating Intention Prediction for Humans by Optimizing Robot Motions, . IEEE/RSJ Intelligent Robotic Systems (IROS), Hamburg, Germany, 2015. (pdf) Robot Programming from Demonstration, Feedback and Transfer, . IEEE/RSJ Intelligent Robotic Systems (IROS), Hamburg, Germany, 2015. (pdf) Temporal Segmentation of Pair-Wise Interaction Phases in Sequential Manipulation Demonstrations, . IEEE/RSJ Intelligent Robotic Systems (IROS), Hamburg, Germany, 2015. (DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2015.7353415, web, pdf) Online Optimization of Teaching Sequences with Multi-Armed Bandits, . 7th International Conference on Educational Data Mining, London, United Kingdom, 2014. (pdf) Interactive Learning from Unlabeled Instructions, . UAI-30th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, Quebec, Canada, 2014. (pdf) Calibration-Free BCI Based Control, . AAAI, Montreal, Canada, 2014. (pdf) Machine Learning for Interactive Systems: Challenges and Future Trends, . Workshop Affect, Compagnon Artificiel, Interaction, Rouen, France, 2014. (pdf) Robot Learning Simultaneously a Task and How to Interpret Human Instructions, . ICDL-Epirob, Osaka, Japan, 2013. (pdf) Learning Multiple Behaviors from Unlabeled Demonstrations in a Latent Controller Space, . International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), Atlanta, USA, 2013. (pdf) Active Learning for Teaching a Robot Grounded Relational Symbols, . International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), Beijing, China, 2013. (pdf) Learning Exploration Strategies in Model-Based Reinforcement Learning, . International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA, 2013. (pdf) Exploration in Model-based Reinforcement Learning by Empirically Estimating Learning Progress, . Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), Tahoe, USA, 2012. (pdf) The Strategic Student Approach for Life-Long Exploration and Learning, . IEEE - International Conference on Development and Learning (ICDL), 2012. (pdf) Algorithmic and Human Teaching of Sequential Decision Tasks, . AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), Toronto, Canada, 2012. (pdf) Simultaneous Acquisition of Task and Feedback Models, . IEEE - International Conference on Development and Learning (ICDL), Germany, 2011. (pdf) Robot Self-Initiative and Personalization by Learning through Repeated Interactions, . 6th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot (HRI’11), Lausanne, Switzerland, 2011. (web,pdf) Learning from Demonstration using MDP Induced Metrics, . European Conference on Machine Learning (ECML/PKDD), Barcelona, Spain, 2010. (pdf) Analysis of inverse reinforcement learning with perturbed demonstrations, . European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), Lisbon, Portugal, 2010. (pdf) Body Schema Acquisition through Active Learning, .IEEE - International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Anchorage, Alaska, USA, 2010. (pdf) Active Learning for Reward Estimation in Inverse Reinforcement Learning, . European Conference on Machine Learning (ECML/PKDD), Bled, Slovenia, 2009. (pdf) From Pixels to Objects: Enabling a spatial model for humanoid social robots, . IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Kobe, Japan, 2009. (pdf) Biomimetic Eye-Neck Coordination, . IEEE - International Conference on Development and Learning (ICDL), Shanghai, China, 2009. (pdf) Learning grasping affordances from local visual descriptors, . IEEE - International Conference on Development and Learning (ICDL), Shanghai, China, 2009. (pdf)(full version) Fitted natural actor-critic: A new algorithm for continuous state-action MDPs, .European Conference on Machine Learning (ECML/PKDD), Antwerp, Belgium, 2008. (pdf) Multimodal Saliency-Based Bottom-Up Attention: A Framework for the Humanoid Robot iCub, . IEEE - International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Pasadena, California, USA, 2008. (pdf) A Learning Framework for Generic Sensory-Motor Maps, . IEEE Intelligent Robotic Systems (IROS), San Diego, USA, 2007. (DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2007.4399566, web,pdf) Affordance-based imitation learning in robots, . IEEE Intelligent Robotic Systems (IROS), San Diego, USA, 2007. (pdf) Modeling Object Affordances using Bayesian networks, . IEEE Intelligent Robotic Systems (IROS), San Diego, USA, 2007. (pdf Convergence of independent adaptive learners, . In Progress in Artificial Intelligence: 13th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence (EPIA), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, vol. 4874, pp. 555-567, Springer-Verlag, (also available as ISR technical report RT-603-07), 2007. (pdf) Affordances, development and imitation, IEEE - International Conference on Development and Learning (ICDL), London, UK, July, 2007. (pdf) Unified framework for imitation-like behaviors, AISB - 4th International Symposium on Imitation in Animals and Artifacts, Newcastle, United Kingdom, April, 2007. (pdf) Sound localization for humanoid robots - building audio-motor maps based on the HRTF, . IEEE Intelligent Robotic Systems (IROS), Beijing, China, 2006. (pdf) Learning of Sensory-Motor Maps in Redundant Robots, . IEEE Intelligent Robotic Systems (IROS), Beijing, China, 2006. (pdf) Jacobian Learning Methods for Tasks Sequencing in Visual Servoing, . IEEE Intelligent Robotic Systems (IROS), Beijing, China, 2006. (DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2006.281958, web, pdf) Design of the Robot-Cub (iCub) Head, . IEEE - International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Florida, USA, 2006. (pdf) A Developmental Roadmap for Task Learning by Imitation in Humanoid Robots, . AISB - Third International Symposium on Imitation in Animals and Artefacts, Hatfield, England, 2005. (full version) An Anthropomorphic Robot Torso for Imitation: Design and Experiments, . International Conference on Intelligent Robots Systems (IROS), Sendai, Japan, 2004. (pdf) Motor Representations for Hand Gesture Recognition and Imitation, . IROS Workshop on Robot Programming by Demonstration, Las Vegas, USA, 2003. (full version) Visual Transformations in Gesture Imitation, . IEEE - International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Taipei, Taiwan, 2003. (pdf) ThesisA developmental Roadmap for Learning by Imitation in Robots, , PhD Thesis, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Portugal, 2006. (pdf)
Invited TalksOnline Optimization for Intelligent Tutoring Systems (plenary talk), . TICE, Beziers, France, 2014. Active Learning in Human-Robot Interaction, . Robotics: Science and Systems : Workshop on Learning Plans with Context From Human Signals, Berkeley, USA, 2014. Learning Tasks and Representations from Human-Machine Interactions, . ICRA Workshop on Active Visual Learning and Hierarchical Visual Representations for General-Purpose Robot Vision, Hong-Kong, 2014. Semi-Autonomous 3rd-Hand Robot, . ICRA Workshop on Autonomous Grasping and Manipulation: An Open Challenge, Hong-Kong, 2014. Autonomous Exploration Through Curiosity and Social Guidance, . GECCO Workshop: Evo-Devo-Robo: Evolutionary Robotics and Developmental Robotics, Philadelphia, USA, 2012. Interactive Learning in Social Robots, . German-French Workshop Perspectives on Cognitive Interaction and Technology, Bielefeld, Germany, 2012. Social Learning with Inverse Reinforcement Learning, . ICML workshop on New Developments in Imitation Learning, USA, 2011. Active Exploration in Social Learning, . Dagstuhl Seminar: Exploration and Curiosity in Robot Learning and Inference, Dagstuhl, Germany, 2011. Active Learning for Imitation, .Robotics: Science and Systems (R:SS) Workshop: Towards Closing the Loop: Active Learning for Robotics, Zaragoza, Spain, 2010. Learning and Development, .IROS Workshop: Robotics Challenges for Machine Learning II, Nice, France, 2008. A computational model of Social learning behaviours. , IROS Workshop: From motor to interaction learning in robots, Nice, France, 2008. WorkshopsCollaboration in Ad Hoc Teamwork: Ambiguous Tasks, Roles, and Communication, . AAMAS Workshop: Adaptive Learning Agents (ALA) Singapore, 2016. (pdf) Semi-Autonomous 3rd-Hand Robot, . Workshop on Cognitive Robotics in Future Manufacturing Scenarios, European Robotics Forum, Vienna, Austria, 2015. (pdf) Zero-calibration BMIs for sequential tasks using error-related potentials, . IROS Workshop on Neuroscience and RoboticsTokyo, Japan, 2013. (pdf) Interactive Task Estimation From Unlabelled Teaching Signals, . International Workshop on Human-Machine Systems, Cyborgs and Enhancing Devices Manchester, UK, 2013. (pdf) Simultaneous Acquisition of Task and Feedback Models, . IJCAI 2011 Workshop on Agents Learning Interactively from Human Teachers (ALIHT), Barcelona, Spain, 2011. (see ICDL11 paper for the extended version pdf) Robot Self-Initiative and Personalization by Learning through Repeated Interactions, . Robotics: Science and Systems (R:SS) Workshop: Learning for Human-Robot Interaction Modeling, Zaragoza , Spain, 2010. Robotic Open-Architecture Technology for cognition, Understanding, and Behaviours, . CogSys, Zurick, Switzerland, 2010. (pdf) Active Learning for Reward Estimation in Inverse Reinforcement Learning, .Robotics: Science and Systems (R:SS) Workshop: Bridging the gap between high-level discrete representations and low-level continuous behaviors, Seattle, USA, 2009 Active learning for constrained regression using kernel beta regression models, .Robotics: Science and Systems (R:SS)/PASCAL2 Workshop Regression in Robotics - Approaches and Applications, Seattle, USA, 2009 (PASCAL Poster Competition, runner-up prize) Active body schema learning, . Robotics: Science and Systems (R:SS)/PASCAL2 Workshop Regression in Robotics - Approaches and Applications, Seattle, USA, 2009 Machine Learning for Developmental Robotics, .NIPS Workshop: Robotics Challenges for Machine Learning, Vancouver, Canada, 2007. (poster pdf) A Developmental Roadmap for Learning by Imitation in Robots, Cogsys, 2006. (abstract pdf, poster pdf) A Developmental Roadmap for Learning by Imitation in Robots, . Brain Development,2005. (abstract pdf, poster pdf)OthersReal-time Framework for Gesture Imitation in
Humanoid Robots. . Festival Nacional de Robotica, Portugal, 2006. |