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Past Projects

  • ARAUI (CRA, FR - coordinator) - Apprentissage automatique en robotique pour l'adaptation aux utilisateurs a travers l'interation
  • MACSi (FR) - Motor, Affective and Cognitive Scaffolding for iCub
  • First-MM (EU) - First Mobile Manipulation
  • Handle (EU) - Developmental pathway towards autonomy and dexterity in robot in-hand manipulation
  • Modern Monte Carlo Algorithms for Computational Control (PT)
  • Robotcub (EU) - ROBotic Open-architecture Technology for Cognition, Understanding, and Behaviours
  • Contact (EU) - Learning and development of Contextual Action
  • Baltazar Humanoid Torso
  • Mirror (EU) - Mirror Neurons for Object Recognition
  • Rescue (PT) - Cooperative Navigation for Rescue Robots
  • ISocRob (PT) - Intelligent Society of Robots
  • Reinforcement Learning and Toy Robots
    A remote control under Windows for RCX (legOS 0.2.4) (zipped file)