- ENSTA (2011 -)
- La robotique de compagnie: concepts et techniques
- ENSEIRB (2012 - )
- Machine Learning Summer
School, Bordeaux, 2011
- Introduction to Reinforcement Learning and Inverse Reinforcement Learning
- University of Plymouth
- Robotics I
- Introduction to Robotics
- Robotics and Control Systems
- Electronic Drive Systems
- Automated Systems
- Instituto Superior Tecnico
- Instituto Politecnico de Setubal (2001-2006)
- Robotics, (3rd year, 2001-2005)
- Systems Identification and Modelling,(5th year,
- Introduction to Control, (3rd year, 2002-2005)
- Control Systems,(3rd year)
- Non-linear control, (5th year)
- Control II,(4th year)