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Human-Robot Collaboration Exploration and Development in Autonomous Systems
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Control & Behavior Learning

Learning Grasping points

One of the basic skills for a robot autonomous grasping is to select the appropriate grasping point for an object. Several recent works have shown that it is possible to learn grasping points from different types of features extracted from a single image or from more complex 3D reconstructions. In the context of learning through experience, this is very convenient, since it does not require a full reconstruction of the object and implicitly incorporates kinematic constraints as the hand morphology. These learning strategies usually require a large set of labeled examples which can be expensive to obtain. In this paper, we address the problem of actively learning good grasping points to reduce the number of examples needed by the robot. The proposed algorithm computes the probability of successfully grasping an object at a given location represented by a feature vector. By autonomously exploring different feature values on different objects, the systems learn where to grasp each of the objects. The algorithm combines beta–binomial distributions and a non-parametric kernel approach to provide the full distribution for the probability of grasping. This information allows to perform an active exploration that efficiently learns good grasping points even among different objects. We tested our algorithm using a real humanoid robot that acquired the examples by experimenting directly on the objects and, therefore, it deals better with complex (anthropomorphic) hand–object interactions whose results are difficult to model, or predict. The results show a smooth generalization even in the presence of very few data as is often the case in learning through experience.

Active learning of visual descriptors for grasping using non-parametric smoothed beta distributions, Luis Montesano and Manuel Lopes. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Accepted available online: 26-AUG-2011, 10.1016/j.robot.2011.07.013.

Learning grasping affordances from local visual descriptors,Luis Montesano and Manuel Lopes. IEEE - International Conference on Development and Learning (ICDL), Shanghai, China, 2009.

Policy-Gradient Methods

We propose a new algorithm, fitted natural actor-critic (FNAC) to allow for general function approximation and data reuse. We combine the natural actor-critic architecture with a variant of fitted value iteration using importance sampling. The method thus obtained combines the appealing features of both approaches while overcoming their main weaknesses: the use of a gradient-based actor readily overcomes the difficulties found in regression methods with policy optimization in continuous action-spaces; in turn, the use of a regression-based critic allows for efficient use of data and avoids convergence problems that TD-based critics often exhibit. We establish the convergence of our algorithm and illustrate its application in a simple continuous space, continuous action problem.

This algorithm can be used in different settings.

Learn to grasp by carefully coordinating all degrees of freedom of the hand (video)

Improve walking gait by changing the parameters of the cycle generators that controls the walking pattern. See video of the learning progression and the robot walking around using the optimized parameters (video).

Task Sequencing in Visual Servoing
This experiment shows Baltazar performing a 6 dof sequence of tasks. internal view (video) and external view (video). Also the same experiment but with an industrial robot:internal view (video) and external view (video).

Task sequencing

Relevant publications: Mansard et al. IROS06 (pdf)

Visual Servoing
This experiment shows Baltazar movement randonmly the arm in order to estimate de visual Jacobian (video). With this Jacobian Baltazar is able to do 2D visual servoing. In (video) we can see the features extracted (2 points position and orientation) and the desired trajectory (hexagon and triangle). In (video) we can see the same movement from the other eye.

Relevant publications: Mansard et al. IROS06 (pdf)

Object Grasping

This experiment shows the capability of Grasping (video). The algorithm is based on 2 steps: the first is open-loop and uses a head-arm map moving the hand near to the object (initial position), the second step is a new algorithm that estimates online the image Jacobian and makes the final movement with visual servoing. The hand is controlled to close but because of the mechanical compliance the fingers adapt to the object.


This work presents a multimodal bottom-up attention system for the humanoid robot iCub where the robot’s decisions to move eyes and neck are based on visual and acoustic saliency maps.We introduce a modular and distributed software architecture which is capable of fusing visual and acoustic saliency maps into one egocentric frame of reference.
This system endows the iCub with an emergent exploratory behavior reacting to combined visual and auditory saliency.
The developed software modules provide a flexible foundation for the open iCub platform and for further experiments and developments, including higher levels of attention and representation of the peripersonal space.

This video shows how saliency triggers the focus of attention and the following gaze shift. Besides saliency, the system has grown to include more complex structures such as objects (see video of this process).

Multimodal Saliency-Based Bottom-Up Attention: A Framework for the Humanoid Robot iCub
. Jonas Ruesch, Manuel Lopes, Alexandre Bernardino, Jonas Hörnstein, José Santos-Victor, Rolf Pfeifer. IEEE - International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA'08), Pasadena, California, USA, 2008

Sound Localization

Being able to locate the origin of a sound is important for our capability to interact with the environment. Humans can locate a sound source in both the horizontal and vertical plane with only two ears, using the head related transfer function HRTF, or more specifically features like interaural time difference ITD, interaural level difference ILD, and notches in the frequency spectra. In robotics notches have been left out since they are considered complex and difficult to use. As they are the main cue for humans’ ability to estimate the elevation of the sound source this have to be compensated by adding more microphones or very large and asymmetric ears. In this paper, we present a novel method to extract the notches that makes it possible to accurately estimate the location of a sound source in both the horizontal and vertical plane using only two microphones and human-like ears. We suggest the use of simple spiral-shaped ears that has similar properties to the human ears and make it easy to calculate the position of the notches. Finally we show how the robot can learn its HRTF and build audiomotor maps using supervised learning and how it automatically can update its map using vision and compensate for changes in the HRTF due to changes to the ears or the environment.

These videos show iCub localizing the source of sounds, in an anecoic chamber (video 1) and in an office room (video 2).

Sound localization for humanoid robots - building audio-motor maps based on the HRTF. Jonas Hörnstein, Manuel Lopes, José Santos-Victor and Francisco Lacerda. IEEE – Intelligent Robotic Systems (IROS'06), 2006.