Inspired from developmental
psychology and the way animals learn, an autonomous system that
aims at life-long learning needs to adapt, decide what to learn
and follow a specific developmental trajectory. Specific
mechanisms of curiosity, information seeking and exploration
need to be developed.
Recently, I have contributed
with theoretical analysis of empirical measures of learning
progress to generalize well-known methods of exploration in
markov decision processes to situations with nonstationary
noise. We showed that the use of empirical measures of learning
rate reduce to the standard measure of learning rate commonly
used in machine learning but are more robust to
In many cases there are several
different exploration methods that can be used, and in many
cases theoretical results give similar sample complexity. For
any particular case it is not clear which method to use. I
suggested an online method that is able to select online the
best exploration strategy.
I introduced a generic
perspective on life-long learning called the strategic student
problem. In many cases there are a large variety of tasks to be
learned, specially in life-long learning situations, and it is
necessary to decide which task can be learned, and how fast. I
showed that the problem can only be solved efficiently in the
particular situation of submodular costs. Due to this reason we
introduced a bandit type algorithm that is able to address more
complex costs but with more loose guarantees.
We started a collaboration with
the Columbia University (USA), to better develop the relation
between computational methods and results from neuroscience. We
are currently developing biological plausible computational
models of curiosity and information seeking in animals.
Relevant Publications:
Information-seeking, curiosity, and attention: computational
and neural mechanisms, Jacqueline
Gottlieb, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer, Manuel Lopes and Adrien
Baranes. Trends in Cognitive Sciences
, 2013. (pdf)
Learning Exploration Strategies in Model-Based Reinforcement
Learning, Todd Hester, Manuel Lopes and
Peter Stone. International Conference
on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS),
Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA, 2013. (pdf)
Exploration in Model-based Reinforcement
Learning by Empirically Estimating Learning Progress,
Manuel Lopes, Tobias Lang, Marc Toussaint
and Pierre-Yves Oudeyer. Neural
Information Processing Systems (NIPS), Tahoe, USA, 2012.
The Strategic Student Approach for
Life-Long Exploration and Learning, Manuel Lopes and Pierre-Yves Oudeyer.
IEEE - International Conference on
Development and Learning (ICDL), 2012. (pdf)
A Developmental Roadmap for Learning by Imitation in Robots,
Manuel Lopes and José
Santos-Victor. IEEE Transactions in
Systems Man and Cybernetic - Part B: Cybernetics, 37(2),
2007. (pdf)
Body Schema Acquisition through Active Learning, Ruben Martinez-Cantin, Manuel Lopes and Luis
Montesano.IEEE - International
Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Anchorage,
Alaska, USA, 2010. (pdf)
Active Learning for Reward Estimation in
Inverse Reinforcement Learning,Manuel Lopes, Francisco Melo and Luis
Montesano. European Conference on
Machine Learning (ECML/PKDD), Bled, Slovenia, 2009. (pdf)