
Important note: If you wish to contact Pierre-Yves Oudeyer for an application, please send him an email including [application] in the object. For any other reason, please include [information] in the object. He will not see your email if you do not include one of these tags.

Call for postdoc position:

Design and evaluation of Large-Language Models (LLMs) based conversational agents for fostering curiosity-driven learning in children (deadline 30th may)

Call for PhD positions:

Call for software engineer positions:
– We will open a research engineer position early 2024, in a project seeking to apply our Automated Discovery framework (explained Chapters 1 to 3 of this PhD thesis) to the characterization of interferences in multi-core hardware architectures. 

Call for postdoc application: we are searching for postdoc applicants in domains including curiosity-driven autotelic learning, LLMs + DeepRL, LLMs that learn to code or to do maths, AI for education, cognitive sciences related to modeling and understanding curiosity-driven learning in humans. Contact Pierre-Yves Oudeyer (see instructions above)  

Internship positions for 2024 (we are primarily searching for Master 2 level applications, but may consider PhD internship applications):

Internship hosted at ENS Paris, associated to a collaboration with Yair Lakrez and Emmanuel Chemla:
Human-Like Language Acquisition in Language Models (LMs): a Parent-LM Teaching an Intrinsically-Motivated baby-LM

The following internships have been attributed already (but they give an idea of directions we are working on):

Interactive Teaching of System 2 Reasoning for Large Language Models, internship supervised by Cédric Colas and Pierre-Yves Oudeyer, located in Bordeaux
(techniques: LLMs that generate and execute code, in-context learning, interactive learning with humans in the loop in real time, cognitive architectures)

Studying the impact of RL-based grounding on LLMs, Master 2 level internship co-supervised by Clément Romac, Thomas Carta and Pierre-Yves Oudeyer, located in Bordeaux (techniques: Deep RL for LLMs, testing world models, curiosity-driven exploration)

Studying the socio-cognitive abilities of LLMs, Master 2 level internship co-supervised by Grgur Kovac and Pierre-Yves Oudeyer, located in Bordeaux (techniques: Deep RL for LLMs, tests inspired by methods in psychology)

We are also searching for internship applications for a cool project combining Lenia, foundations models/LLMs and autotelic curiosity-driven learning (but no precise description available here, send us an email :)) ! For this one, email Cedric Colas and Pierre-Yves Oudeyer (and using [application] in object/header of email).

Internship topic at EvidenceB edTech startup (located in Paris):