
Important note: If you wish to contact Pierre-Yves Oudeyer for an application, please send him an email including [application] in the object. For any other reason, please include [information] in the object. He will not see your email if you do not include one of these tags.

Internship positions for 2025 (we are primarily searching for Master 2 level applications, but may exceptionally consider PhD internship applications):

LLM-Mediated Cultural Evolution: Studying AI Catalysts in Collective Problem-Solving (supervision C. Colas, E. Nisioti, PY Oudeyer)

Balancing Exploration and Exploitation in Autotelic Reinforcement Learning (supervision C. Romac, C. Colas, PY Oudeyer)

Curriculum learning of skill libraries in autotelic agents using LLMs and program synthesis (supervision J. Pourcel and PY Oudeyer)

Curiosity-driven automated discovery of interference patterns in multi-core architectures (supervision P.Y. Oudeyer and C. Moulin-Frier)

Gene-regulated multicellular morphogenesis and behavior (supervision C. Moulin-Frier)

(Engineering internship) Developing and benchmarking a library for LLMs in embodied agents (supervision C. Romac, D. Dutartre, T. Carta)

We are searching for internship applications for a cool project combining continuous cellular automata (Lenia), machine learning and language (but no precise description available here, send us an email :)) ! For this one, email Pierre-Yves Oudeyer (and using [application] in object/header of email).

Internship hosted at ENS Paris, associated to a collaboration with Yair Lakrez and Emmanuel Chemla:
Human-Like Language Acquisition in Language Models (LMs): a Parent-LM Teaching an Intrinsically-Motivated baby-LM

Expérimentation et évaluation d’une intervention pédagogique pour l’entrainement de la curiosité et de la méta-cognition

Evaluation de l’impact d’une intervention pédagogique sur l’usage de l’IA générative au collège

Call for software engineer positions:

Call for postdoc application: we are searching for postdoc applicants in domains including curiosity-driven autotelic learning, LLMs + DeepRL, LLMs that learn to code or to do maths, AI for education, cognitive sciences related to modeling and understanding curiosity-driven learning in humans. Contact Pierre-Yves Oudeyer (see instructions above)